Bonham, Texas - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bonham ISD was held January 27, 2025 in the Bonham ISD Administration Center. All board members were present. President Chance Roberts called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Jason Fox led the invocation. Second graders from Finley-Oates Elementary led the pledges to the US and Texas flags.
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Warrior Talk
Sean Floyd said congratulations to the BHS coaches for arranging for the athletes to be mentoring younger students. Myles Gaylon expressed thanks for all of the gifts to the board and noted that basketball is going well. He also had high praised for thos who went to the Ft. Worth Stock show. Carlous Gilstrap also said thanks for the gifts to the board. He said it is an honor to be on the board and the basketball teams are looking good this season. LaTonia Arris stated that the cheerleaders did excellent at their recent competition. Arris also said it is humbling to get the thank you notes and gifts for serving on the board. She said it is an honor to serve. Jason Fox wanted to reiterate all said before him. He said none of the board serves for the recognition, but it is appreciated. Chance Roberts echoed many of the comments of the other board members. Roberts stated that he has received the most unique gifts, many student made for his board service. Roberts reported that basketball is starting off strong, soccer is doing well too and cheer did well at their competition. Roberts said that eight students competed at the Ft. Worth Stock and all got in the top 10. Roberts read two thank you notes to the board from I.W. Evans, thanking the board for the bonuses and treats in December.
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Employee and Student Recognition
Kathryn Cater was honored as the paraprofessional of the month. This is her second year with district. She was described as a person who never meets a stranger and takes care of our students. Cater was praised for her flexibility and willingness to be where ever she needs to be. She does a fabulous job with a smile.
Reagyn Ruiz was named the I.W. Evans Student of Month. This fourth grader wants to become a nurse practitioner when she grows up and her favorite subject is science. She was described as the type of young lady who takes care of her responsibilities, is a good friend, a great role model and humble.
Finley Oates Student of the Month is Lillian Carr. This third grader works well with peers and shows concern for everyone. Carr is always willing to help, leads by example, and brightens everyone’s day when they are around her. Carr’s favorite subject is math. She has been at BISD since kindergarten. When she grows up, she wants to go to UT and become a teacher.
L.H. Rather Student of the Month is Dipika Shah. She could not attend the board meeting, but her principal sang her praises anyway. This eighth grader was described as an amazing light who greets everyone around her. She stays on top of academics, is friendly and outgoing.
BHS Seniors of the Month are Audrey Fowler and Hunter Horton. Fowler is in the ag program and FFA. Her favorite thing about school is that she gets to go to many shows. She just got back from the Ft. Worth Stock Show where she did well. Her future plans include attending Oklahoma State University to study animal science. Being a Warrior means hard work and dedication to her. She takes dual credit classes, AP classes and gets up before the sun to take care of her animals. She has attended BISD since kindergarten.
Horton participates in NHS, FCA, FFA, student council, track and cross country. His future plans include going to Dallas Baptist University where he will run track and cross country. Horton said that being a Warrior means representing his community in a positive way. Horton wants to be an example to younger students and his principal told a story of how he is indeed doing that. Horton was described as an exceptional student, who is a joy to be around and who is always taking care of business. Horton was also described as a leader, incredibly kind and the ultimate competitor.
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Public Comment – none.
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Consent Agenda was approved and included meeting minutes and financial reports.
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Interim Superintendent Keith Boles gave his report to the board. As of Dec 31, district enrollment was 2020. Overall attendance during first semester for the district was 94.3%. ADA was continuing to be higher than what was included in the budget. I.W. Evans keeps the banner for best attendance for the fourth month in a row.
Boles gave a legislative update. He noted that the legislature started meeting on Jan 15and has a lot of things that concerns public schools. He said that school vouchers is one of the top issues. He said current discussions include giving students $10,000 to attend private schools. He said the state currently gives local districts about $6500 per student who attend public schools. He said that current discussions at the legislature also includes salary increases for teachers of $4k per teacher and $6k per rural teachers. Boles reminded the board that all this could change before the legislature wraps up their work in May. The legislature currently grants a $100k school tax homestead exemption for property owners and are considering raising the amount to $140k. Money for school safety is also being discussed.
Boles gave an update on 2025-2026 School Calendar Development. He plans to take the same approach as Kelly Trompler. Boles will work with the site-based committees to create 2 or 3 versions of the proposed calendar and then have staff vote. Boles also asked for board input. Arris said she likes staff input. Board received written reports from the administrators. No questions from board regarding those reports.
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Board approved the Order of Election – May 3. Places 3, 4 & 5 are up for election. The deadline to apply is Feb 14.
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Board approved a Missed Day Resolution for January 9-10, 2025.
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Board approved the Fannin County Head Start Eligibility, Enrollment and Selection Policy Procedure, Eligibility Configuration and Low Annual Income Documentation.
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Board approved Fannin County Head Start Ongoing Monitoring Plan. Arris praised the Head Start staff for doing a great job on all documentation.
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Board approved the Fannin County Head Start ERSEA Recruitment Policy and Procedure Plan.
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Boles noted that the next Regular Board Meeting will be February 24 at 6:00 p.m.
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At 6:30 p.m., the Board of Trustees went into an Executive/Closed Session. Pursuant to Texas Government Code section § 551.074, board discussion of personnel matters pertaining to evaluations, duties, terminations, replacements, reassignments, hiring, and additions to the staff. Discussion included personnel, Superintendent Search, employment of Professional Personnel. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, board discussions/deliberations regarding board member duties and responsibilities.
Board returned to Open Session at 8:59 p.m. No action to be taken. Board meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.