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Fannin County Commissioners Court gets update on Open Arms Shelter
By Allen Rich
Feb 5, 2025
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Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

The meeting opened with an invocation by Sylvester Smart, pastor of Greater Joy Fellowship in Bonham, and pledges were led by U.S. Marine veteran, Andy Garner.


In public forum, Mark Sanderson, director of Open Arms Shelter, told the court that construction is well underway at the new shelter on South Center Street in Bonham.

Sanderson thanked the county judge, commissioners and the public for support.

"Since the shelter opened over three years ago, we've helped over 300 people with a hand up, not a handout," Sanderson remarked. "There will be five shared office spaces inside this bigger building where we will have other service providers come alongside us and serve not only the people in the shelter, but people in the community, as well. The Fannin Health Clinic and the WIC program for infants will be two that will be inside the building with us." 


Routine items

Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $1,544,856.12; payroll was $324,191.33.


Discussion, consideration and action items

Commissioners court approved the appointment of Fannin County Sheriff Cody Shook to the Texas Community Center’s Board of Trustees.


Commissioners court approved donating 16 used Axon Tasers from the sheriff’s office to school police officers.


Commissioners court approved renewal of Safe Fleet for Sheriff and Constable offices for technical support of body and vehicle camera systems.

The renewal fee of $43,851.00 will be paid out of contingency, leaving approximately $230,000 in contingency.


Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding Enterprise Fleet Management for County vehicles.

 Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham said that this fleet management system might work for sheriff's office, but he questioned how cost-effective it would prove to be for all county vehicles. This will likely be discussed again during budget negotiations.


Commissioners court approved an Order transferring property between Precinct 2 and Precinct 3; 2018 Boom Mower valued at $116,000.00 to be paid in two payments.


Commissioners court approved reappointment of the following members to the Fannin County Child Welfare Board: Ramirez Ortiz (Treasurer), Alicia Whipple (Chair), Mary Karl (Secretary), Ashley Wilson, Edwina Lane (Vice-Chair), Mike Nejtek, Randy Vasquez, Brian Neal, Amanda McDonald and David Thompson.


Commissioners court approved purchase of 1988 ATHEY 7-12D Asphalt Paver Force Fee Loader for Precinct 3; $20,000.00, including delivery, from Robertson Paving.


Commissioners court approved the installation of a data cable in the lobby of the East Annex for Texas Department of Public Safety use at no cost to the county.


Commissioners court approved wording of the new Interlocal Agreement for road maintenance. The county's civil attorney, Andy Garner, modified language dealing with indemnification and insurance.

Work will be at the discretion of commissioners.

Bonham resident Rusty Deets asked if it is truly equal when one commissioner may ask for some type of compensation for work, while another commissioner may not.


Commissioners court approved sending new Interlocal Agreement for road maintenance to cities and towns.


Commissioners court approved appointment of Commissioner Kurt Fogelberg to the Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission to replace Gary Fernandes and re-up current members for their original term limit.

Bois d’Arc Lake Zoning Commission is now comprised of Judge Cunningham (chair), Matt Titsworth, Kevin Darwin, Gilbert Welch and Kurt Fogelberg.


Commissioners court approved appointing Russell Duckworth to the Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission to replace Greg Morris.


Commissioners court approved appointment of Commissioner Kurt Fogelberg to the Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission to replace Jerry Magness and re-up current members for their original term limit.

Lake Ralph Hall Zoning Commission is now comprised of Cunningham (chair), Russell Duckworth, Jaylen Wallace, John Ed Shinpaugh and Kurt Fogelberg.


Open discussion items

Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.

In regard to the Fannin County Subdivision Committee and Subdivision Policy, Pct. 2 Commissioner A.J. Self was reappointed as chair of the Fannin County Subdivision Committee.


In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, Fannin County Maintenance Supervisor, Ruben Moreno, displayed photographs of electrical junction boxes that were improperly installed, and then showed photographs of the junction boxes after they were brought up to code. Contractors made extensive repairs to junction boxes in the attic as well as the basement this past weekend, and anchored the generator to the concrete pad, all at no cost to the county.

"And there are still things out there that we haven't identified yet," Cunningham stated.

Moreno said woodwork was deteriorating in one instance; commissioners reported that bathroom doors are hanging and difficult to open.

Moreno also found where water is seeping into the basement around a pipe that wasn't properly sealed with concrete.

Cunningham noted the significant roles that Moreno and Robert Fleckenstein have played in identifying and correcting potentially dangerous issues at the courthouse.

"Ruben, we appreciate all that you've done," Cunningham stated.


In regard to the Justice Center, Cunningham said he is checking on issues and waiting on firm numbers for phases of the project. Cunningham noted that it would cost approximately $366,000 more to install a concrete parking lot, as opposed to using asphalt.


In regard to water issues affecting Fannin County, the Fannin County Water Supply Agency will visit with Greater Texoma Utility Authority to learn more about water supply issues.

Fannin County resident Jason Walker addressed the court to say that a private business has built a bridge without a permit on CR 1135 in violation of FEMA requirements and the county's floodplain requirements.

Judge Cunningham replied that the county is trying to put an enforcement strategy in place, and added that the violator may be going out of business.

"My deal is, you're violating federal rules," Walker responded.

"They will eventually have to tear it down and clean it up," Cunningham said of the bridge. "There are things much more damaging to the county than a bridge in the middle of nowhere."


In regard to Fannin County road issues, Cunningham believes that $6,000 in fines were levied on overweight trucks last month in Fannin County.

"We've been writing tickets and we are going to be writing more tickets," Cunningham stated.


Fannin County Commissioners Court had no need for executive session and adjourned.