Local News
City of Bonham calls for election on May 3
By Sandy Barber
Feb 12, 2025
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Bonham, Texas - The Bonham City Council met for a regular meeting on February 10, 2025 at the Bonham City Hall. Mayor HL Compton called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. All council members were present.

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Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting on January 13.

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Council accepted the financial report for the month ending January 31, 2025. Sarah Osburn noted that the report does not yet include the January sales taxes as today’s meeting landed early in the month. She said year-to-date the sales taxes are up about 6.5% and the budget included a 7% increase. She also drew attention to the big income for the month because of property taxes being paid. She also reported that auditors have begun their work.

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Citizens opportunity to speak

Mark Sanderson, Director of Open Arms Shelter, reported that construction has started on new shelter at 111 S. Center. He said they are on schedule and anticipated competition timeframe is in late summer or early fall. Sanderson expressed high praise for the city staff. He said the contractor said he wishes other cities were as easy to work with as Bonham.

Dr. Jerry Hopson announced that Texas Mission of Mercy will be hosting a free dental clinic on April 11-12 at theMultipurpose Complex in Bonham. He said that all 260 prescreen appointments are full. Patients can still come to Complex on April 11-12 to get free dental services on a first come, first serve basis. Hopson thanked the city for working with the project and noted that there is still a need for many volunteers. Hopson said that 50-60 dentists will be here to volunteer their services. Community volunteers can sign up online at www.tmomvolunteer.org.

Bonham City Council Member John Burnett stated that the Bonham Kiwanis Club volunteered to direct traffic at the TMOM free dental clinic before they realized it is also Trades Day weekend too. He asked for help with directing traffic and several council members volunteered.

William Harnett expressed concerns about Stephenson Park, located in south Bonham. He described high grass, playground equipment laying on ground, peeling paint and garbage. Harnett said that he would volunteer to help city move old playground equipment if they would get a truck and crew out there. He also wondered if the city is interested in selling the lot and noted that it would be a great location for additional housing.

Sondra Compton spoke and said she has seen Stephenson Park mowed multiple times over the past year.

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Council held a public hearing and approved an ordinance amending articles within Chapter 3 (Building Regulations) of the Bonham Code of Ordinances. Case 2025-001. Ross Altobelli, Director of Community Development, reviewed highlights of changes and answered questions from council members and audience members.

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Council approved an order calling for a general election to be held on May 3, 2025 to elect Council members from Ward Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Council approved the following items related to the May 3, 2025 City of Bonham General Election: appointed the City Secretary as the Early Voting Clerk; designated two days (April 24 & April 29) for extended hour early voting from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.; designated the Bonham City Hall, 514 Chestnut St, as the polling place for both early voting and Election Day voting.

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Council adopted a Resolution regarding a contract for the purpose of financing the purchase of a fire truck. Osburn reported that the plan is to pay it off in 12 years and the truck is expected to last at least 15 years. She also reported the engine will be here around end of June.

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Council adopted a Resolution authorizing an application for Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board. Sean Pate reviewed the plan and what improvements can be expected for the city water lines. Osburn noted that the city will pay 30% and the grant will cover 70%.

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Council adopted a Resolution approving amendments to the Bonham Economic Development Corporation bylaws. Pate reviewed the proposed change.

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Council tabled a Resolution setting a Public Hearing Under Section 372.009 of the Texas Local Government Code on the advisability of the creation of a Public Improvement District and improvements within the City of Bonham, Texas, for The Preserve at Bonham Development and authorizing the issuance of notice by the City Secretary of Bonham, Texas, regarding the public hearing.

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Council approved the donation of two Stalker Dual DSR Radars to the Bonham Independent School District Police Department. Police Chief Andrew Hawkes said that last budget year, his department got six new ones. They were able to piece together two that still work and reached out to BISD Police Department to see if they wanted them and they were grateful to accept this donation.

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Council discussed and approved the creation of a Charter Review Committee and approved appointments to the committee. The committee will include two council members, Allen Sanderson and Kevin Hayes, the city secretary Heather Stockton, the city attorney Courtney Morris and three citizens: Janelle Jamieson, Rick Osburn and Mark Clayton.

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Police Chief Andrew Hawkes presented the 2024 Racial Profiling Report from the Bonham Police Department as required by Article 2.131 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. No action was necessary by the council. Council member Allen Sanderson had one question. He said that one particular number seemed very high and wondered if there was a mistake in the report. Hawkes said he would look into it.

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Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.