Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
The meeting opened with an invocation by Robert Eades, pastor of United Pentecostal Church of Savoy, and pledges were led by Air Force veteran Jim Jarvis.
Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham recognized Savoy Mayor Joe Petree in attendance.
In public forum, Savoy resident Will Campbell expressed concern regarding Engie's 300-megawatt battery energy storage system located south of the substation near the Fannin-Grayson county line on U.S. 82.
Campbell said this isn't just about energy -- residents have been left wondering about the potential hazards involved -- and he urged the county to consider forming a 391 Regional Planning Commission to oversee similar projects.
"Make the state and developers answer to us, not the other way around," Campbell stated.
Judge Louise Goodwater, Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace, and Judge Kenny Karl, Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace, addressed the court to suggest that the county form a board to study the county's funeral home needs.
"We know what we need in a funeral home service," Goodwater stated, adding that she is in favor of keeping the current contract for indigent burials, but modifying it to pay a fair reimbursement.
The county's current contract pays Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home $500 for an indigent burial, although the current cost for cremation is $1500-$2000.
To allow the court to respond, Judge Cunningham jumped ahead to agenda item No. 15, regarding funeral home services for the county.
"I don't think anyone up here disagrees that we need to take a hard look at the situation," Cunningham said.
Bryan Frazier, co-owner of Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home, said the county's current contract for indigent burials initiated in the '90s.
"Not one time has that contract ever been used to solicit money from families," said Frazier. "We make that clear to people up front."
Frazier noted that Cooper-Sorrells has facilities in Bonham and Honey Grove with a large staff capable of responding to vehicle accidents with multiple fatalities.
Jennifer and Ron Green, the relatively new owners of Wise Funeral Home, expressed an interest in the indigent burial contract.
The county paid for four indigent burials last year.
Routine items
Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $1,425,216.21
Commissioners court approved minutes from regular meetings on January 21, 2025 and February 11, 2025.
Matt Brown of Allegiance Mobile Health presented the EMS report for January 2025.
Brown reported 186 calls during January, 143 transports, 30 people treated but not transported, and nine calls cancelled while EMS was en route.
The average response time in January was 12 minutes and 47 seconds.
Judge Cunningham reiterated his appreciation to Allegiance for making an additional ambulance available during a recent ice storm.
Commissioners court approved the Treasurer’s Financial Report for January 2025, as well as the Treasurer’s Investment Report for January 2025.
Total receipts were $9,832,132.22, including property taxes of $742, 544.87 and sales tax revenue was slightly more than $179,000.
Total interest received in January 2025 was $92,701.97.
By comparison, total interest earned in January 2024 before the county restructured deposit procedures was $27,849.76.
A discussion regarding County Auditor Reports for January 2025 revealed that the county is currently $4.67 million in the black.
In a brief discussion regarding an internal audit of the Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 office, Fannin County Auditor Alicia Whipple remarked, "They are doing an exceptional job. We have no issues."
Discussion only items
Commissioners court entered into a lengthy discussion regarding an intention to propose a Public Improvement District (PID) for a new subdivision in Fannin County.
A PID is a designated area within a city or county where property owners within that specific area pay extra taxes to pay for improvements, but amenities in the PID such as hiking paths, public parks and fishing docks are available to the general public, as opposed to a gated community with restricted access.
Judge Cunningham called PIDs less problematic than Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ).
Dan Cooper, President of 5th Street Investments, told the court that plans for Cypress Pointe began about five years ago. The 256-acre development is about two miles east of FM 897 that spans Bois d'Arc Lake. Phase 1 calls for 36 waterfront lots, with an eventual total of 111 lots.
Cooper pointed out that while counties have limited building codes, PIDs can enforce more stringent building restrictions to guarantee proper development. Homes and lots in Cypress Pointe are expected to be in the $500,000 range, which would create significant property tax revenue for Fannin County and Honey Grove ISD.
Cooper hinted at plans for four public parks, fishing docks, a clubhouse and a small, sunken amphitheater that would seat approximately 50 people.
PIDs are advantageous for developers because the concept allows quick access to funds from bonds, and advantageous for counties because all residents have access to amenities, while only landowners in the PID pay an additional assessment.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding food inspections in Fannin County.
Fannin County Sheriff Cody Shook provided a racial profiling report for Fannin County.
Commissioners court gave Fannin County Sheriff’s Office the green light to obtain an armored vehicle through the Law Enforcement Support Office program which means there will be no charge to the county for the vehicle; maintenance cost will come from the Sheriff’s Fleet Management Budget.
Sheriff Shook introduced Lieutenant Harvey Smitherman of the Fannin County Sheriff's Office. Smitherman is highly proficient at obtaining grants and is spearheading the effort to acquire an armored vehicle at no cost to the county.
The armored vehicle could offer protection when law enforcement needs to extract people from a dangerous situation, and could also be useful during search & rescue and high-water situations.
Commissioners court accepted a $225 donation from Jake Shockley at State Farm to purchase Personal Protection Equipment for Office of Emergency Management and Auxiliary Team (formerly CERT).
Commissioners court approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Fannin County Office of Emergency Management and Fannin County ARES-AUXCOM for emergency communications in the event of a disaster.
Commissioners court approved an extension amendment to the contract with Bonham Economic Development Corporation (BEDCO) signed on December 10, 2024, for the purchase of 5 acres on Silo Road for $150,000. The amendment will extend closing until March 12, 2025.
BEDCO needs to have the deal ratified by city council and that should come at the next regular meeting of city council on March 10.
Commissioners court voted to make a counter-offer after a prospective buyer offered to pay $8,000 per acre ($328,000) for 41 acres the county owns near Ector.
Originally, the county was asking $10,900 per acre ($446,900).
Pct. 3 Commissioner Kurt Fogelberg suggested the county respond with counter offer of $10,000 per acre.
Fogelberg's motion passed 4-0, with Pct. 1 Commissioner Troy Waggoner abstaining because he is familiar with the parties involved.
A deed restriction specifies that proceeds from the sale of this land must be used to help the children of Fannin County. When the land eventually sells, the county plans to place the money in a dedicated account and use the annual interest it collects to benefit local children in need.
Commissioners court denied a division of Fannin County property ID# 77256; 26.92 acres located at Highway 56 and Lipscomb. An offer to purchase 10 acres of county-owned land for $70,000 was submitted although the property isn't being marketed.
"For me to sell this property, I need a lot more than $7,000 an acre," Judge Cunningham remarked.
The court briefly discussed additional county-owned property east of the Bonham square at the site of the old county jail site, but the consensus was that the City of Bonham provided a valuable service by leasing the property and turning it into a parking lot.
Mike Durbin, a longtime member of Fannin County Amateur Radio Club addressed the court regarding forms of communication and internet interference connected to wind turbines.
Durbin has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and has been an amateur radio operator since the age of nine.
Interference with communication is critical in rural Fannin County where first responders often have limited means of communication.
Commissioner Fogelberg advised the court that nine towers are coming to the far eastern portion of the county.
"Anyone with communications will be affected by these towers," Durbin predicted.
The county will study ways to mitigate the impact of wind turbines.
Commissioners court approved an agreement with Kasidy Henson, a Registered Nurse, to serve as the Local Infection Control Officer for the county for $200 per month.
An Infection Control Officer is needed if a first responder (an ambulance driver or volunteer fireman, law enforcement) is exposed to a contagious disease.
Commissioners court approved a one-time severance of 2.5 acres from a 5-acre tract on CR 1255 in Savoy; Property ID# 142435.
Commissioners court approved a replat of two 1-acre lots into a 2.10-acre lot on McIlrath Road in Leonard; Property ID# 128018.
Commissioners court approved a final plat for Bois d’Arc Pointe.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item action regarding a potential change order at the Justice Center for additional Furr Out Wall at existing wall between the court and county sides per RFI-027, additional finished wall with electrical and sheetrock was not included; $31,283.00.
Commissioners court approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Fannin County and Workforce Solutions of Texoma maximizing the use of public property for citizens and have County Judge sign on behalf of the County; March 15, 2025 through March 14, 2030.
Commissioners court approved a Resolution to accept grant funding from the Office of the Governor for the Structured Family Therapy Program operated by the Juvenile Probation for FY 2024-2025, Grant number 2806211.
Commissioners court approved a Resolution to accept grant funding from the Office of the Governor for the Structured Family Therapy Program operated by the Juvenile Probation for FY 2025-2026, Grant number 2806212.
Open discussion items
Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.
This next meeting of the Fannin County Subdivision Committee has been postponed.
In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, Judge Cunningham said the next step would be a comprehensive inspection of the courthouse.
A brief discussion of the Justice Center centered on concerns about the roof and the wall between the court and county portions of the building.
Fannin County Water Supply Agency will meet Thursday at Derrell Hall Education Center.
In regard to Emergency Medical Services, Commissioner Waggoner noted that state grants are now available to help counties fund rural ambulance services.
In regard to overweight trucks and highway safety, Judge Cunningham met with State Representative Shelley Luther, TxDOT officials and regional county judges to express concern over the increased number of accidents and fatalities the county is experiencing.
In regard to Interlocal Agreements, the county is in the process of submitting interlocal agreements to all municipalities in Fannin County, as well as the surrounding counties.
Executive session(s) and action if needed
Fannin County Commissioners Court entered into executive session at 11:34 a.m. to consult with their attorney regarding purchasing and auditing.
Commissioners court held a subsequent executive session regarding courthouse litigation.
Commissioners court reconvened in regular session at 12:45 p.m. to announce that no action was taken in executive session.
Judge Cunningham introduced Emily Rodriguez, an intern from Austin College who will be working in the county judge's office.