A big Barkus 'Thank You!'
By Blynda Christian
Mar 5, 2025
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McKinney, Texas -- Thank you to everyone who participated in the 23rd  Annual Krewe of Barkus Parade – Out of this World - From Astronauts to Aliens - Barkus Shoots for the Stars.  What a day!  The weather was perfect, the crowd was huge, and the costumes were absolutely fabulous!

Here’s a Big Barkus thank you to my husband, Tommy Ray, who kept me sane all week and also pulled duty as our photographer. 

Thanks to Carla Sayle & Stephanie Farrar, who solicited and gathered prizes from downtown merchants, and Paula Hermelyn, who organized and kept track of registration, Susan Mouser who ran check in and helped me organize over $3,500 worth of prizes, along with Jennifer Dollard, Vanesa Stucki, Shung Pak and many others.  Vanesa also coordinated the parade - no small task!

Thanks to Laureen Lehman, who stuffed the swag bags, and also Cassandra and Eric Wilkins, who handed them out.  Thank you to David Pine, our website guru. Thank you to Monty Day, who did anything we asked.  Our roaming photographer, Pam Klekamp, took the best candid "framed" shots throughout the day.

Event founder Blynda Christian Ray, her husband, Tommy Ray, and support staff smile to the crowd.

My grandson Zac Hogan-Ezell was my shadow and right hand man, and Parker Kelly (Amanda's daughter) was on stage with me, helping me hand out prizes. All of our krewe helped in the parade as well.

Our judges had a monumental task before them, as always! Thank you to Jessica Hogan, Carla Sayle, & Toni Andrukaitis. I don’t know how you do it.  Our City Events coordinator, Gregory Hearns, was an absolute pleasure to work with as was Andrew Jones, our Cultural District Director.  Ryan Phelan and Graham Myers were fabulous point men, and Jakia Brunell does a great job with marketing and vendors. We’ve got a great team!

We will be posting photos on our Krewe of Barkus Facebook page, so look for them - and I've already started posting on my own Instagram and Facebook (Blynda Christian).  I'll also be emailing you with pics taken at the event. Tommy is busy editing them now.

And the winners are......


          3rd Place - #67 – Marcus Gonzalez – Skittles/Golden Yorkie as an astronaut
          2nd Place - #101 – Fetch Me Later McKinney – Dunkin, Fergus, and Portia A as Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear, the pizza delivery guy, and Woody
          1st Place - #5– E-flat Porch Band group - Memorial to the dogs that have passed over the Rainbow Bridge - Out of this world, but still in our hearts.


          3rd Place - #18 – Lori Gardner– Mabel/French bulldog as an astronaut with spaceship
          2nd Place - #22 – Amanda Anderson - Tommy/mini labradoodle - Star Wars with battleship
          1st Place - #65 – Aleiyah Ross - Sushi/Shih Tzu as Liz the Lizard and Magic School Bus Goes To Outer Space


          3rd Place - #23 – Jodi Voyles - Reagan/Doberman as Tribbles from the original Star Trek series
          2nd Place - #44 – Rebecca Price - Tycho & Tarfull as an X-wing pilot and Chewbacca with the Star Wars crew
          1st Place - #32 – Holly Cottles - Kooper, Kenny, & Kori/dachshunds as aliens with a UFO


          3rd Place - #10 – Casey Strange - Roy & Opal/Boxer & Bassett Hound as 1950's Space Invaders all dressed in silver and shooting bubbles
          2nd Place - #7 - Len Osvatic - Daisy & Roo as cows with alien spaceship
          1st Place - #57 – Megan Aeschbach - Tyger & Charley/goldendoodles - farmer fighting to save his cow from being beamed up by a UFO


          3rd Place - #54 – Kaylyn Edgar - Chico & Lola/Chihuahuas as space invaders with a big alien float
          2nd Place - #25 – Bridget McKibben - Little Bit/Japanese Chin as an alien in a handmade rocketship
          1st Place - #33 – Debbie Baker - Rainey & Mason/labs with adults as The Star Trek crew with the Starship Enterprise


          #4 – Jamie Perrenoud - Beltre & Max with the family as a scene from E.T., handing out Reese's Pieces


          #30 – Lisa & Uriah Herrick as Space Pirates - with Mad Dog Yoda as commander and Scottie P, the one-eyed pirate aboard the ship The Wicked Puppy

Contestants really outdid themselves. this year. Congratulations!  Remember, our parade is always the Sunday before Mardi Gras, so next year the date is February 15, 2026.

Now for the theme next year, what do you think of when you hear the word "nautical"? Do you think "Under The Sea"? Sailboats & Yachts? Mermaids? Sea Creatures? Pirates?


Or maybe you go dark and think of the Titanic.


I go "old school" and think of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Gilligan's Island, or Finding Nemo.


ALL of those would apply to next year's dog paddling theme, when we sail-ebrate Dogs Going Overboard - Barkus Sails The Seven Seas

Oh I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with! We'll see you again for our 24th annual parade on Sunday, Feb 15, 2026!