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Infectious diseases and vaccines to be discussed at Grayson County Historical Society meeting
By Jeri Bassett, GCHS Program Coordinator
Mar 5, 2025
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Tuesday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m.

Grayson, County, Texas -- The guest speaker for the Grayson County Historical Society is one of  our local pediatricians, Dr. Jeannine Hatt, giving this month's program titled "Diseases That Were Once Common But Which You May Never See Again."

If one remembers being a child in school, we were lined up and given our childhood shots. But not today. Parents give many reasons for either not giving or delaying vaccines to their children. A child's immune system is more vulnerable without vaccinations and if it wasn't for them, many children could become seriously ill or even die from diseases such as measles, mumps and whooping cough.

Dr. Hatt grew up in our neighboring city of Fort Worth, graduated from Austin College, earned her MD degree in 1976 from UTMB-Galveston and completed her pediatric residency at Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC.  In 1980 she and her husband, Dr. Chuck Phelps, a radiologist, came to Denison where she started her practice with Dr. Don Freeman, the first pediatrician in Denison.

Dr. Hatt has practiced general pediatrics in Denison for almost 45 years, eventually becoming part of Texoma Care Pediatrics when it was established and remained on active staff at Texoma Medical Center until Jan. 1, 2025. Presently, she volunteers part-time at the Greater Texoma Health Clinic, seeing children and youth there.

She and Dr. Phelps have done international volunteer medical work with several groups since 1990 and is a member of the AAP’s Section on Global Health. She is presently on the board of International Child Care USA which works to help support Grace Children’s Hospital in PAP, Haiti.

Dr. Hatt and her husband have 3 children who are now all physicians and are blessed with 8 grandchildren.

The meeting takes place March 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Judge R.C. Vaughan Community Room at Grayson County Frontier Village, Loy Lake Park which is located midway between Sherman and Denison off Hwy. 75, Exit 67. Our host and hostess are Pam and Gerald Alblas.

The Grayson County Historical Society meetings are open to the general public and all are welcome to attend.