What is the Easter Season?
By Tammy Biggar
Mar 20, 2025
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The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. Jesus fasted and was tempted in the desert for 40 days. Lent is a time for Christians to draw nearer to Christ for 40 days as we journey to what will be the long-awaited Easter morning of celebrating Christ’s resurrection.

Often the Lenten season is spent in times of repentance, reflection, and abstinence from certain foods or some form of self-denial from a particular indulgence. The commencement of the journey begins with Ash Wednesday.

At Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Ash Wednesday marked the first day of Lent. In addition to the Eucharist, blessed ashes were used to mark the Sign of the Cross on the foreheads of worshipers, as a sign of penitence and a reminder of our mortality.

As the church progresses toward what we call Holy Week, the observation of Palm Sunday marks the first day of the week. Worshipers will process into the church
carrying palms and commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when he was hailed as king.

Maundy Thursday may be celebrated by the washing of feet ‘on the night he was betrayed’. This references the Last Supper. Often times the altar is stripped after the
service and all decorations are removed.

Undoubtedly the reader has heard of Good Friday. At Holy Trinity we remember the crucifixion of Christ in a somber ceremony in which the Passion from St. John’s Gospel is read in its entirety. It is a respectful, quiet and contemplative service which gives worshipers opportunity to consider their own lives and the cost of Jesus’ gift to us, promising eternal life for those who accept his death and resurrection as atonement for our sins.

The Easter Vigil may be held on Saturday night, the last day in Lent. This service begins after sunset. Several readings from the Bible are alternated with songs of praise, as the Church remembers God’s interventions in history, from Creation to the Deliverance at the Red Sea to the Resurrection of Christ.

Easter morning at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church is a glorious celebration of our risen Lord, also known as Pascha or the Christian Passover.

We invite you to enter into this season celebrating the life of Christ with us. If you have never attended a liturgical church, you may find blessing and depth of meaning in our style of worship. We are sinners who love the Lord. In our imperfection, we come to know Jesus and receive his grace each week. Please join us on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. at 623 Star Street, Bonham, Texas.

God bless you and keep you!