Their exploits confirmed their loyalty, unselfishness, endurance, mental astuteness, and physical strength making them among the world’s most memorable heroes, known for their motto: “One for all and all for one.” The novel borrows from historical fiction and romance to recount the adventures of kings’ guards who face off the machinations of nefarious political factions set on destabilizing the French monarchy.
Today’s “Two Musketeers” are not fictional and represent almost an opposite role in today’s United States of America. The two Muske-teers are an unelected immigrant from South Africa via Canada: Elon Musk and his assistant—elected President Donald Trump. Together they make a formable team who lack the unselfishness, mental astuteness, and loyalty to save our remarkable democracy from autocracy. Comparing and contrasting today’s Musketeers to those in 17th century France could fill a book but suffice it to summarize the most startling contrast: The musketeers in France were trying to save and protect their monarchy. Our two Musketeers seem to be in a rush to replace democracy with monarchy.
History does not always repeat itself, but it often rhymes.