Fannin County, Texas -- All five members of Fannin County Commissioners Court were present for a regular meeting held Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
The meeting opened with an invocation by Jerry Clements, pastor at first Baptist Church in Randolph, and pledges were led by Major James Manis (Ret.).
Fannin County Judge Newt Cunningham introduced the Savoy Mayor, Roger Cada, in attendance.
In public forum, Savoy resident Chris Tronzano asked the court to consider two key issues: the implementation of a 391 commission to oversee commercial development, as well as the 10-year tax abatement given to the battery storage facility near Savoy.
Molly Hayes advised residents that U.S. Representative Pat Fallon will be in Bonham at 4:00 p.m. Thursday to discuss DOGE.
In regard to sexually oriented businesses, Judge Cunningham said his understanding is that there is no commercial activity at the location in question and efforts are being made to bring the bridge on this property into compliance.
"If we are going to have rules, we need to enforce them," Cunningham stated.
Routine items
Commissioners court approved payment of bills totaling $516,729.35; payroll was $407,522.87.
Commissioners court approved minutes from a regular meeting held August 6, 2024.
When asked about the difficulty commissioners have when asked to approve minutes from commissioners court meetings that were held long before some of the current commissioners took office, Fannin County Clerk Jenny Garner told the court that she didn't know how far behind the county was with minutes when she took the office.
Matthew Brown of Allegiance Mobile Health presented the EMS monthly report for February 2025.
Brown said Allegiance received167 9-1-1 calls, of which 120 were transports, 25 were treated on scene, and three calls were cancelled prior to arrival.
The average response time was 12 minutes and 30 seconds.
Discussion items
Report of Tax Assessor-Collector Continuing Education hours completed as required by Tax Code §6.231(d).
Discussion, consideration and action items:
Fannin County Commissioners Court held a detailed discussion regarding appointment of a county fire marshal.
Judge Cunningham opened the discussion by saying, "We've come to a realization that we are a little behind the times regarding safety issues."
Fannin County Emergency Management Coordinator Troy Hudson said he has been in this position for almost five years, and dealing with fire marshal issues has been increasing for the last two years.
Regarding the need for a fire marshal, Hudson said, "I believe the time is now."
Hudson heads a two person emergency management department with a part-time assistant. If Hudson is tasked with the dual responsibility of emergency management coordinator and fire marshal, the assistant would likely become a full-time employee and take over the role of flood plain administrator.
Hudson would also greatly benefit from the advice of James Littrell, former fire marshal for the City of Denison for 18 years, who has offered to share his vast experience and knowledge with the county fire marshal.
Littrell said the demanding around-the-clock responsibilities of a fire marshal requires someone with a passion for the job. In his opinion, the county needs a fire marshal now.
"I think we are losing ground if we don't go ahead and appoint a fire marshal," Cunningham said in agreement.
The county would shoulder the cost to staff the office, but the cost of inspections can be recouped in a fee assessed to the businesses.
Cunningham explained that a county fire marshal would investigate fires to see who is culpable, investigate businesses that could pose a threat to public safety, and educate county officials and the public. He noted that the City of Bonham has a fire marshal and called the placement of a battery storage facility near schools "troublesome."
"We need action now," urged Savoy Mayor Roger Cada. "We need to look at someone who is ready to go now."
Several county residents came forward to urge commissioners court to hire a fire marshal and force commercial developments to upgrade infrastructure.
Pct. 3 Commissioner Kurt Fogelberg made motion to appoint Troy Hudson to a two-year term as Fannin County Fire Marshal. Pct. 1 Commissioner Troy Waggoner seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Initially, Hudson will enforce the state fire code; he estimated that it will take 30 days to adopt a more stringent county fire code.
Established businesses will be compelled to come into compliance; existing businesses will not be grandfathered in.
Commissioners court went into executive session at 10:10 a.m.
No action was taken in executive session.
Commissioners court approved a one-time severance of approximately 2.25 acres from a 23.89-acre tract on CR 2750, Honey Grove.
Commissioners court approved a re-plat of 108 Reed Street, Randolph; one lot into two lots at approximately 0.240 acres each.
Commissioners court approved the county judge to sign the Fannin County Property Renewal Questionnaire from Texas Association of Counties.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding design specifications for the Fannin County Justice Center dedication plaque.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding a potential change order(s) at the Justice Center for additional Furr Out Wall at existing wall between the court and county sides per RFI-027, and additional doors for employee access from secure to non-secure side.
Commissioner Waggoner said the wall in question was in the original scope of work and this omission was apparently an oversight by the architect and therefore shouldn't cost the county anything, however the county will need to add three doors.
Waggoner said he is hoping to receive a cost estimate by next week.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding possible action to approve a supplemental section to the current purchasing manual; process for purchases under $50,000.00.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding the lease purchase of a rubber tire excavator from RDO Equipment for Precinct 3.
Commissioners court passed on an agenda item regarding the lease of recycler/reclaimer from RB Everett & Company for Precinct 3.
Commissioners court voted to deny bids received from Bid# 2025-001, Belly Dump Trailer for Precinct 1.
Only one bid was submitted.
Commissioners court approved a bid from Bid# 2025-002, Single Axle Day Cab Truck for Precinct 1 for $27,750 to be paid for out of Texpool, with the stipulation that Waggoner would be allowed to test-drive the truck and inspect it with his mechanic.
Commissioners court voted to deny bids received from Bid# 2025-003, 10-wheel Dump Truck for Precinct 1.
Open discussion items:
Open discussion items will be passed on unless discussion requested by a member of the court or a citizen.
In regard the Fannin County Subdivision Committee, Cunningham said the county will need to look into a response when residents subdivide lots without approval.
In regard to courthouse repairs and litigation, Cunningham said the significant problems with the floor in the courthouse may cost $50,000 and the county judge reported no progress with the contractor in responsible for subpar woodwork.
A discussion regarding the Justice Center focused on problems with the roof and the type of parking lot to be installed.
A recent evaluation of the roof by All Seasons Contracting revealed numerous discrepancies, ranging from water damage to guttering that needs to be reworked.
Crossland Construction, the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), will be sending a representative on Thursday to examine the roof; Cunningham and Waggoner will accompany the company rep in order to relay issues raised by independent inspector.
Waggoner estimates the cost for an asphalt parking lot at $250,000, as compared to $600,000 for an all-concrete parking lot. However, he warned that, as flat as the parking lot at the justice center is, the county can expect to be doing extensive repairs in the future if the decision is made to go with an asphalt parking lot.
In regard to the county budget and revenue sources, the auditor's office is continuing to research the best way to implement the county's version of a Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT).
County resident Molly Hayes advised the court that a gay campground has announced it will be charging for an event coming up, which would appear to meet the definition of a sexually oriented business.
"We may have the two boxes checked - a business charging for sexually oriented activities," Cunningham responded.
Hayes added that this property is within two miles of Sandy Baptist Church. According to county regulations, every applicant for a Class I Sexually Oriented Business Permit (SOBP) shall give written notice of the application to all owners and lessees of real property within two (2) miles of property on which the SOBP is requested.
Campground operators had given county officials the impression that the business was closing down and the property would sell.
"Molly, we appreciate you keeping an eye out for the county," Cunningham told Hayes.
In regard to water issues affecting Fannin County, the Fannin County Water Supply Agency will meet Thursday, March 27 at the Derrell Hall Education Center.
In regard to Fannin County road issues, the consensus is that "opportunities" abound.
Pct. 4 Commissioner Doug Kopf said his crew has started pulling ditches to keep water runoff from damaging roads.
In regard to solar and wind farms, Cunningham said, "People are still out there fishing around for abatements. PILOTs don't interest me. They will go to a county that will accommodate them."
In regard to overweight trucks and highway safety, Waggoner noted that DPS, the sheriff and constables are at work to mitigate the damage to roads and get dangerous vehicles off the road.