Classes & events at the Creative Arts Center
By Sandy Barber, Director, Creative Arts Center
Mar 19, 2025
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Bonham, Texas – Lots of classes and events are being planned for this spring at the Creative Arts Center.    
Open Mic Night will be held on Friday, March 21 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.  Folks who want to sing, play music, read poetry, tell jokes or otherwise entertain are welcome.  No pressure to perform and folks who want to be entertained and cheer on the performers are welcome too. Free admission. Donations encouraged.
Music in the Garden will be back for a five-week series this spring.  Gates will open at 6:30 p.m. on each Thursday in April and the first Thursday in May. Music will start at 7:00 pm. There will be a $5 cover charge to help cover the costs of the bands. Guests are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs and welcome to bring their own food and beverages.
The center has many art classes scheduled for the coming weeks.  Mixed Media and Music is a free class for adults that will be held on March 20 from 5-7 pm and April 17 from 1-3 pm.  Frances Kelly will lead a class in basket weaving with pine needles on March 20 & 27. 
Garden Charm workshops are an opportunity for participants to learn how to turn their old jewelry and trinkets into garden art.  Classes for this will be held on March 22 and April 19 and led by Michelle Haynes with Estella SheShop and Art Lounge. 
Jessie with 3 Little Bird Painting is hosting a Longhorn and Bluebonnet paint party on March 25.
Sip & Stitch is a free time for fiber artists to bring their current project and enjoy fellowship with others who like to crochet, knit, embroider and create other fiber arts.  The next Sip & Stitch is set for March 27 from 6-8 pm.  Likewise, Artist Get Togethers are free opportunity for artists of any medium to get together with other creative types and work on their current project. Upcoming sessions will be held on March 28 and April 25 from 1-3 pm. 
The next Brush & Brunch with Jaye will be on Tuesday, April 1 from 11 am to 3 pm. Masterpieces and Mimosas will be on Saturday, April 5 from 11 am to 3 pm. Both classes include painting and lunch. 
Kids Crafts for ages 4-9 and Youth Mixed Media for ages 10-17 are held on Tuesday afternoons from 4-5 pm on March 18 and 25 and April 8, 15 and 22. The next Kids Paint Party with Jaye will be on Saturday, April 12.
Junk Journal Club meets monthly and upcoming dates include March 26, April 23 and May 21 from 2-4 pm. Sandy Barber will lead a class in Embroidery Basics on April 12 from noon to 2 pm.  Barber will also be leading a Lunch and Learn class on April 24 for folks interested in learning how to use Canva for creating graphics for flyers, social media and more.
The center offers weekly yoga classes.  Kristi Dunbar teaches yoga on Tuesdays at 6 pm. Domanique Allen teaches chair yoga on Wednesdays at 1 pm. Beginners are welcome. Classes cost $10 for members and $15 for non-members.
Belly Dancing Basics will start up on March 19. Classes will meet on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm for eight weeks.
Chris Cravens will teach Watercolors on Thursday afternoons in May.  Other new classes are being added to the center’s schedule nearly every week. Go to the center’s website to get more information about classes and to sign up.
Red River Arts Fest will be on Saturday, May 3. The center is currently seeking art vendors, food trucks and sponsors for this day long festival of art, wine, music and fun.
The center has issued a call for art for their upcoming Budding Artist Contest.  Children and youth under age 18 are encouraged to enter up to three pieces of artwork for the center’s annual art contest.  Artwork is due by April 2.  For those who need assistance in framing or wiring their artwork to be ready for hanging in the gallery, their artwork is due by March 27.  Complete rules and important information is available on the center’s website.  Entry forms are available at the center.
The Creative Arts Center is a nonprofit organization started in 2001 to celebrate the arts.  The center is located at 200 W 5th in Bonham.  The center is open Tuesday – Friday from 10 am to 5 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to noon.  For more information, call (903) 640-2196 or go to