Windom Art School founders featured in April exhibit at Creative Arts Center
By Windom Art School media release
Mar 27, 2025
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Bonham, Texas -- Windom Art School founders, Tatiana Murray and Wanda Oliver, will have a show in the East Gallery at the Creative Arts Center in Bonham during the month of April. The show will open with a reception from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on April 4. Our show will coincide with the annual Budding Artists Kids and Youth Art Contest. Tatiana’s students will be well represented in the show, so it is a wonderful opportunity to see the work of teacher and students side by side. The awards ceremony for the contest is at 5:30 p.m. on April 4.

The show is also an opportunity to get a sneak peak at some of the work the Windom Art School has done for this year’s Fannin County Family Crisis Center’s Empty Bowls fundraiser. Representative glass pieces from the school will be on display.

Empty Bowls

You may have heard that the Windom Art School has been making glass and ceramic bowls for the Fannin County Family Crisis Center’s spring fundraiser, Empty Bowls.  The effort began in late October, 2024, and we are happy to report that at last count 275 bowls were completed or in the late stage of construction.  Tickets are now on sale, and we hope to see Fannin County turn out in force for this incredibly worthy cause. 

Classes now Enrolling

Celebrate Spring with a gift to yourself and your own creativity.  Signups are currently underway for:

Introduction to Fused Glass - 4 weeks, $125, all supplies included.

Fundamentals of Photography - 8 weeks, $150, no supplies needed other than your camera.

Introduction to Hand Printing - 4 weeks, $125, all supplies included.  

Dates and times will be determined by the needs of interested students. Visit the Windom Art School site at to register.

Studio Art

Our very talented and classically trained, Tatiana Murray, has openings in her painting and drawing classes for both adults and children of all ages. This semester, Tatiana is working on 1-2-3 point perspective in her homeschooled children’s classes, and has room in her Thursday and Friday sessions from 12:00-1:00 p.m. 

Adult watercolor classes are held on Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  New students are always welcome to join.

Tatiana is also starting a monthly watercolor class in Paris in conjunction with the Art Study Club Paris

Visit the Windom Art School site at to register.

Open Studio

Open Studio is also a great way to be in community with, and inspired by, like minded people. Open Studio fees are $12.50 per session.  Sessions are at least 2 hours (once in the studio, there’s no telling how long we will stay).  The School supplies all tools and ancillary materials you need, and you supply your major materials such as glass, paper, clay, and ink. Times are currently Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 2-4pm, and Mondays 5:30-7:30pm.

Creative Adventures

Looking for a fun night out with friends?  Look no further than the Windom Art School.  We can host your group of 4-6 people at $35/person.  You can choose your creative topic for the event - painting, hand printing, handmade book arts, creative journaling, collage, experimental photography, fused glass, ceramics, etc. - and we’ll supply the instruction and the materials.