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City of Sherman Public Notice
By City of Sherman
Sep 3, 2024
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This is official notice that there will be a Public Hearing at 5:00 pm, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 2024, in the Municipal Ballroom, 405 N. Rusk St. Sherman, Texas, for the following Ordinances. The Meeting at which these Ordinances are to be considered is open to the public as required by law.



Declaring as Elected the Unopposed Candidates for the Office of Mayor and City Council Members for At-Large, Place 1 and At-Large, Place 2; Finding that All Necessary and Required Legal Conditions have been Satisfied; Providing that the November 5, 2024 Regular Municipal Election for City Council Shall Not be Held; Providing for Posting of this Ordinance on Election Day, November 5, 2024



Repealing Ordinance No. 5562 and Adopting this Ordinance to Grant to Atmos Energy Corporation, a Texas and Virginia Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Gas Pipelines and Equipment in the City of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, for the Transportation, Delivery, Sale, and Distribution of Gas In, Out of and Through said City for all Purposes; Providing for the Payment of a Fee or Charge for the Use of Rights-of-Way; and Providing that Such Fee Shall be in Lieu of Other Fees and Charges, Except AD Valorem Taxes



Approving a Negotiated Settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division, Regarding the Company's 2024 Rate Review Mechanism Filing; Declaring Existing Rates to be Unreasonable; Adopting Tariffs that Reflect Rate Adjustments Consistent with the Negotiated Settlement; Finding the Rates to be Set by the Attached Settlement Tariffs to be Just and Reasonable and in the Public Interest; Approving an Attachment Establishing a Benchmark for Pensions and Retiree Medical Benefits; Requiring the Company to Reimburse ACSC's Reasonable Ratemaking Expenses; Adopting a Savings Clause. Declaring an Effective Date; Requiring Delivery of this Ordinance to the Company and the ACSC's Legal Council.



Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sherman, Texas, Chapter 13 (Utilities), Article 13.06 (Solid Waste); Establishing Requirements for Commercial Solid Waste and Recycling Container Enclosures; Modifying Certain Fees and Other Regulations Relating to Solid Waste Collection and Removal; Providing a Penalty Clause with a Maximum Fine of $2,000, Savings/Repealing Clause, Severability Clause and an Effective Date; Providing for the Publication of the Caption Hereof



Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sherman, Texas, Chapter 13 (Utilities), Article 13.09 (Service Fees); Modifying Certain Fees and Other Regulations Related to Laboratory Testing Fees, Industrial Pretreatment Prorgram Administrative Fees, and Fats, Oil and Grease Program Administrative Fees; Providing a Penalty Clause with a Maximum Fine of $2,000, Saving/Repealing Clause, Severablility Clause and an Effective Date; Providing for the Publication of the Caption Hereof



Consider all Matters Relating to the Greater Texoma Utility Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2024A (City of Sherman Project); and Approving the Issuance thereof and the Facilities to be Constructed or Acquired by such Authority



Approving the 2024-25 Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for the Bel Air Village Public Improvement District


I, Linda Ashby, City Clerk of the City of Sherman, Grayson County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing are true and correct copies of the caption of Ordinance Nos. 6766, 6767, 6768, 6769, 6770, 6771, and 6772 which will be submitted to the Sherman City Council at the Regular Meeting of September 3, 2024, for introduction, public hearing and adoption. Copies of these Ordinances are on file in the office of the City Clerk, in the Municipal Ballroom, 405 N. Rusk St., Sherman, Texas.


Linda Ashby

City Clerk      

Sherman, Texas