Fannin County Amateur Radio Club Radio active and on the go
By Sarah Richardson
Sep 15, 2024
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This month, our club meeting will be held at the Sam Rayburn House before Farm Heritage Day. We will have the business done and set up to activate Parks On The Air (POTA) and demonstrate radio operations throughout the day.

Other activities we have going on for the next few weeks include support for Autumn In Bonham Bike Rally in October. We will provide communication for the SAG vehicles and at each rest stop.

In November, we will once again be doing hotdogs with the Spirit of Giving alongside the other organizations at First Presbyterian Church.

In December, we will prepare for officer elections at our December meeting (currently scheduled to be at the Windom Feed Sack), and planning the big events for 2025. It is flying up on us!

So don't forget, September meeting will be at the Sam Rayburn House September 21 at 0900 (9:00 a.m.) and guests are welcome. Follow us on Facebook at Fannin County Amateur Radio Club or at our website