North Texas e-News was established in 2002 and is a "DAILY" news source, meaning, that each day “new” or “fresh” articles, news, announcements, releases, photos, etc… are posted every day, 7 days a week in all the sections in order to provide timely information for our readers.
Currently, North Texas e-News has an average of 41,013 to 62,863 visitors per month, and has an average of 172,267 to 194,117 page views per month.
North Texas e-News ( takes great pride in being the only daily news source that provides coverage twenty four hours a day, seven days a week for this region.
We work nonstop to deliver daily stories and color photographs of events, news, local businesses and individuals.
Our readership has grown immensely thanks to all of our readers, supporters and advertisers; we are proving that online news is a viable advertising opportunity and is the way more and more people choose to get their news.
Plus, this is the “greenest” way to deliver community news. Thanks to the vision of our advertisers, North Texas e-News can offer free classified ads, free obituaries, free subscriptions – a free website with no pop-up ads.
Join the e-News revolution by placing your business or event on our pages. For less than any other news source, you can send an advertisement to the world...or just down the street to your neighbor.
Contact North Texas e-News about placing your ad today at
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North Texas e-News Advertising
We have many different advertising options available and welcome you to contact us if you have questions at
Rates are based on a 30-day period placement of ad...
Banner Ad
*Front Page - $250/month - Includes ad rotation on selected sections of your choice. $350/month for top two banner slots.
*Section pages - (Obits, Lifestyles, Local, ect…) starting @ $100/month & up per month - Includes ad rotation on selected sections of your choice except Front Page.
Example of banner ad:
Button Ad
*Front Page - includes rotation on the front page and selected section pages, such as, (Obits, Lifestyles, Local, etc…)
$100/month & up.
Top two slots on the sides of the front page are $200/month.
*Section pages only - such as (Obits, Lifestyles, Local, etc…except front page)
50/month & up
Example of button ad: 
All prices include one of a kind ad complete with graphics built to your specifications. Additionally, advertisers may submit their own graphic ad, built to specific pixel size requirements.
Contact North Texas e-News about placing your ad today at or
Call 903.583.2976.
Privacy Policy
North Texas e-News, does not collect or distribute personal information of visitors. Host addresses are recorded for server statistics only and are not kept permanently. Visitors may voluntarily supply an email address for one daily headlines email; this list is secure and is not sold, traded or revealed to any outside parties.
For More Information you may contact:
Allen Rich:
(903) 227-1679
If no one answers, please leave a message or send an email.
Public notices and announcements are welcome, you may forward them to: